Accepting One’s Gift

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Acceptance. Resistance. Yes, I have always been resistant, a rebel, independent. Part of my resistance has been a lack of trust that the Universe will actually lead me to my best self. So, I have always questioned the motives of others and trudged on, making my OWN path. An artist must, right?

Okay, the signs in my life currently all lead to another path: acceptance. Why not? Let’s see what happens!

First, as I prepared my banner for my new Facebook Business Page, I realized that, well, yeah, I AM good at painting flowers. I paint them because I love the color, the flow and pattern, the stillness and beauty that they portray. I want to share that beauty with others and work diligently to make them beautiful. But, I’ve resisted this directional pull because I see so many flower paintings. What’s so unusual about the work? Probably not much, but I am being told now that I have developed a style that’s worth buying. OK. Accepting my Gift.

Second, I have accepted that the Universe HAS lead me very carefully to a beautiful life worth living. It’s good and I’m happy! What’s not to trust?

I’m a rebel, yes. Viva la revolution! The dictionary has several definitions for Revolution. One is to make a 180-turn. Another is to bring about a change in government. Acceptance. Resistance. “What you resist persists.” I get it! I get it! Flowers are my thing…always have been. I’m making a 180 and changing my inner government. I accept my gift.

~ by chezchristineo on October 7, 2015.

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